iMCA is a German company that specializes in the manufacturing the electronics (both software and hardware) of anti-heeling and stabilizing control systems for ships. These systems are used during either the loading / unloading at the docks (for container vessels) or to stabalise large crane ships.

iMCA Studio

As the primary software and electronics provider for Hoppe-BMT, iMCA has a vast experience in the maritime industry. The core focus of iMCA’s control systems are anti-heeling systems that stabilizes large container ships and floating cranes during loading and unloading operations. In addition to stability systems, they also focus on stability testing (CAIT), draught measuring, ship performance measuring and engine optimization techniques. We developed the iMCA Studio as a development tool that allows the user to graphically edit and create mimic diagrams of each individual ship and its layout. These mimics are then deployed on the ship and in conjunction with iStudio Live, gives a live representation of the ship’s operation. Information is displayed in real-time to the bridge, allowing the operator to see the state of all vales and tanks. We’ve also included SQL Database logging and reporting, allowing the user to play back certain scenarios that were recorded earlier.

Currently the latest project is the Aegir, a Deep Water Construction Vessel for Heerema (Operator of the 3 largest crane vessels in the Offshoe industry) – for more information :Aegir Wikipedia

iMCA Workflow

iMCA Workflow was developed as a tool that allows for the streamlining of the automated code generation and adhoc processes. Most of the control system code is based on pre-defined function blocks that are automatically assembled and build. This guarantees that each control block behaves exactly the same on each ship under the same circumstances.

iMCA License Manager We also provided the iMCA License Manager, that allows for the managing of licenses and royalties for the usage of the iMCA Studio software.


  • Project Management
  • Business Analysis
  • Software Development
  • Implementation